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Store > UO Event Items > UO Dread Horn Statuette

Dread Horn Statuette
Dread Horn Statuette
Get yourself the Dread Horn Statuette from searchuo. We can deliver Dread Horn Statuette quickly by speaking with our live chat.
Price: $19.99
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Orders can be placed for Dread Horn Statuette using almost any debit bank or credit card, aswell as paypal or google checkout.
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Tags: Dread Horn Statuette, UO Dread Horn Statuette, Ultima Online Dread Horn Statuette

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Luck 150
Physical Resist 12%
Fire Resist 12%
Cold Resist 12%
Poison Resist 12%
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Undertakers Staff
Undertakers Staff
Undertaker's staff works in the following case. And it spends 1 charge when you succeed in summoning your corpse.
The corpse is your own corpse (You can summon only your own corpse).
The corpse exists in same sub-server.
The corpse exists in 40 tiles from you.
You don't have a criminal flag.
You don't have an aggressor's flag to other players.
The corpse hasn't been summoned 3 times yet.
The corpse isn't empty.

And if you were killed by other player in PvP facet, you can't summon the corpse for 3 minutes*
* May change during online play

You can select Summon most recent corpse only or summon all corpses(*default) from the staff's command menu. If you summon several corpses at once, only 1 charge is consumed. If you can't summon any corpses, the charge isn't consumed.
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